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The Client Centred Approach.

Roman Laurence

Connect to your real clients and customers or just analytics?

From data rich analytics and the desire to gain a competitive advantage, many industries are adopting an end user centred approach to doing business.

The only problem with this? Many are missing the point. The “Client Centred Approach” is not simply about using faceless analytics and clicks on the internet to give the client what you think they want.

Granted, these analytics can help and provide priceless insight, however nothing beats connecting with the real person who is your client or customer. This means truly understanding your clients and customer’s situation and needs.

One model my clients (both corporate and individual) have found very useful in utilising, is the “Human Wellbeing Ecosystem” (Note: I have written a specific article on this which can be found on my profile).

It is a simple, adaptable, pragmatic and clinically based model of wellbeing I have developed that is easy to incorporate every day.

This model is made up of seven elements which, when looked at together, allow you and your client to gain a complete picture and understanding of their current “whole of person” situation.

With this in depth understanding of their situation, I have been able to work with them and coach them to develop with them the best possible solution to meet their needs.

By identifying which parts of the ecosystem are lacking or requiring attention, we can formulate a tailor made solution that means the maximum efficiency is acquired in the minimum amount of time.

I coach my clients to make the best use of my Human Wellbeing Ecosystem. This begins with the seven elements:

· Social

· Intellectual

· Emotional

· Financial

· Occupational

· Spiritual, and

· Physical

Some of the key benefits of using a client centred approach are:

· Both the coach and the client develop an in depth holistic understanding of their current situation

· An unconditional and non-judgemental relationship of trust is developed in the process

· The best possible customised solution can be developed in partnership with the client

· As the client is actively engaged developing solution, making them happen becomes easy.

A client centred approach ensures you get to know your client and through asking the right questions, you can build a complete picture of their current situation. The innovative solutions that are created from this point is what makes this approach so powerful, unique and most importantly: effective.

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