If you are experiencing difficulty disconnecting and decompressing when you clock off from work at home during Covid-19? Know that you are not alone and that there is a solution.
A number of my clients have also experienced difficulty with this issue and are now reaping the benefits of following my simple Three Step D & D (Disconnect and Decompress) Process.
We are all creatures of habit and we crave the familiar, so the quicker we can establish a simple and effective routine the better and the safer we will feel.
Three Simple Steps To D & D
Step 1. Tidy Up Your Desk
The first and in some ways the most important step in the process is the tidy up your desk step. This simple act sends a clear message to the self, that this part of the day is over and that you are beginning a new phase. This is where you begin the process of mentally disconnecting and closing the door on your work day.
Step 2. Wash The Work Day Away
After you finish your work day and tidy up your desk, have a nice warm shower or bath. When you soap up consciously go through the process of washing the stresses and strains, and the issues and problems of the work day away. Let it all go so that you can come back and tackle all those issues relaxed and revitalised at the beginning of the next work day.
Step 3. Have A Cuppa In Nature
Next, quietly make a nice cup of tea or coffee, get outside, and take ten minutes to silently sit and watch the play of nature around you, as you savour every sip. Watch the sun set, notice the movement of the birds or the clouds in the sky, or even watch the kids at play in the backyard. Take in a big deep breath and let it all go.
Getting away from it all for a period greatly improves your balance, clarity of thought and problem solving abilities.
It doesn’t have to take long to consciously disconnect and decompress when you clock off from the work day. By making the effort and taking the time you will reap a multitude of benefits. As you establish your D & D process, you will find that you feel more refreshed and revitalised, you will progressively become more patient, your relationships will improve, your dinner will taste better, the dishes will get washed easier and you will feel more and more at ease.
You may even find that you will wake up in the morning with answers to your problems at work!